"Towary Zastępcze"
"Towary Zastępcze"
Pagan Black Metal from Toruń, Poland
Current lineup:
Sabesthor (ex-My Infinite Kingdom, ex-Selossed, ex-Grom ) - Bass
Helldriver (ex-Croque-Mort) - Drums
Marcin - Guitars
Sirkis (ex-Fight, ex-Grom, ex-My Infinite Kingdom) - Guitars, Vocals
1993 - Entering the Dark Kingdom (Demo)
1993 - As My Kingdom Rises (Demo)
1994 - Promo 94 (Demo)
1995 - Thorns on the Black Rose
1996 - Jesienne szepty (Split)
1998 - Sovereigns of Northernlands (Split)
1998 - From the Dark Past
2000 - Jesienne szepty / Przedświt… (Split)
2000 - Wojna Trwa (Compilation)
2002 - Korona
2005 - Lechia, Slawia, Aria (Split)
2006 - Na polach bitew
2007 - Eastern Hammer (Split)
2011 - Czekając na sztorm