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Know there is not liking suchih bitches Those who hawala gingerbread , suffers a whip Here the fruit of the neglected garden , Hundreds of hands and feet, from lynching Noggano , Killing grown tobacco under bits greyhounds Look in your city noise signals Morse , Freezes the air , even those who are near , Here nehlyayut trumps , I methane bone Smoking news , breathe that illuminates Listen vacuum , but believe those who say , Even me , if you are unfamiliar with the meat personally , Not that 'll be easy prey for the earner , If poputanaya game wedges Send to a clinic , the men God will not leave , Amen Kritiny with zavysshennymi Pryce Will kaitsya mutation of patsika in crybaby The amount and prison renounce late Look askance at us Kozlov stars, Dose Sox , phosphorus into the nostrils , Harvested prose in the case of interrogation , On such a fawn nehlyaet alibi In the holds you, or leave on the deck , Old lady luck arguing with slut Themis , Wait for the alignment of a brother and do not show the form , Was - were beat - beat Feet together and one hundred meters on adrenaline , Line fates in the hands of corrupt judges , King Stronach , solo on the electric chair , Poisoned arrows KREMLIN hours Another chёs , another term , Son throw the keys , take the skeleton key , Paper, pen , cigarettes and matches, We are stuffed in that glyuchet steeper cactus Those who feed on the seated on pause Barons hide laundry in zakaulkam , And dirty laundry is not available to the public a simple , Immortality with Werth for treason, Fear of losing sight, do not recognize the treason Fall into the thick of the assets over the hill , Invest their dollars in English football , Match ball Orbiter not bowed , Preserving a save from the goal as head Of control , because at stake is blood , Crown easily converted into fetters , Forward to a clown in the Orbiter executioner Fans of the jury , the stadium to the courtroom , Two forty-five , incremental , penalty , fiasco , And to his homeland to play in the camp team Somewhere I was not there skidded No, just this river is on track, Art can not be artificial, This odnohuystvenno , just as supposedly be absent I like Robinson Crusoe bear his cross , staptyvaya old shoes . Good to know that you've got there by the person Who live life a fighter or a villain , A..aa..tvortsom or creature , Wolf in the pack or chain mongrel Noting with appreciation the carrot and the stick , Raze punches , or a batter in the return line , I did not put up a monument in the center of the city, I did not become a superstar or hero But sooner or later, everyone will play in the box , Do not get dirty hands brother , be real. Who would Che have not stirred up , Bra, boil Rial , Rial boil , Who would Che have never smoked , Bra, boil Rial , Rial boil . Who would Che would not say , Bra, boil Rial , Rial boil , Repeat until you have forgotten Bra, boil Rial , Rial boil . Faces of the region As mummy warriors Pharaoh Tatunhamona , Those who were not extinguished debris Slowly picking up , slow war Pyramid buried in the shifting sands , That is , street dust , or someone's ashes ? I know all of this for a long time is not a sensation , Just wish patsikov who did not live up to rotations , My bits are impregnated with that invisible, About what I see never become fashionable video Silence does not soften the ending, I will never become a fellow citizen of the chief, Watchdogs growl louder They are on my trail like hounds , Change the writing, but not the content of the lines , Keep your finger on the trigger , ready to be my son, Maybe it's paranoia, but there are so many people who go system, Constructing Troy pochevayut on their laurels , Their strength depends on the price Zapara , The ringing sound of keys flawless speech We buckshot , he stars on the shoulders , The eternal struggle , not resolved conflicts , Who is right , bully or Shrif ? What are you thinking in your sixteen ? On the scales of dreams against parental notations Of protests , the father is teaching the mind to reason , A very long time ago is not honest , voiced memorized texts , My son, my job , my mother a heart condition , The very evening to some slut , Creep night drunk in lipstick .
Первый — третий студийный альбом Басты и одновременно первый, выпущенный под псевдонимом «Ноггано».
С 2007 года Баста выступает под новым псевдонимом — Ноггано; образ хулигана и наркомана, взявшегося писать андеграунд, большинство песен повествуют о жизни рэпера. Вместе с Ноггано меняет псевдоним и КРП — теперь он зовётся Купэ, «маленький крутой парень с монтировкой в руках», а Юрий Волос взял себе псевдоним Жора — комический персонаж песен Ноггано.
В этом же году Ноггано и Купэ записывают песню Еб… насос и выпускают песню во всемирную сеть; песня прославила артиста, и Ноггано создаёт альбом под названием «Первый».
01. Птицы — 5:16
02. Супер герой ft. ki.mono — 5:07
03. Застрахуй — 5:38
04. Еба***й насос ft. Жора — 5:26
05. Кирпичи — 3:28
06. У Ноггано депрессия — 2:46
07. Матрёшки ft. Купэ — 5:02
08. Играй, гитара — 3:30
09. Голос андеграунда ft. Jeeep — 4:39
10. Шоу-биз — 3:11
11. Пати у Ноггано — 4:03
12. А. Пальчиков — 4:55
13. Дурка — 6:26
14. Дискавери ft. Банкок — 5:52
15. Кип ит риал — 6:21
16. Оп, давай давай ft. ki.mono и Купэ (скрытый трек) — 4:53